
Hey everyone, it’s Chris here, and I can’t wait to tell you about my recent chat on the Family Brand podcast with the awesome Shelli Baltman and Fiona Stevenson. These two amazing ladies are all about helping people tap into their creativity and reach their full potential. They started their own boutique innovation agency called The Idea Suite back in 2015, and they’ve been making waves in the world of creativity and innovation ever since!

Shelli and Fiona are part of this fantastic mastermind group I’m in, and they were some of the first to try out the very first version of Family Brand. During our talk, they emphasized the importance of teaching our kids to be adaptable, creative, and full of ideas in today’s fast-paced world. They’re also really passionate about helping underserved groups, including kids, by teaching them creative problem-solving skills they’ll need to thrive in life.

Their passion led them to co-write an amazing book called “The Greatest Helmet of All Time: Using our Heads for Creative Problem Solving.” They share the same six-step process they use with their clients to help kids (and grown-ups) come up with innovative ideas and solutions.

One of the main points from our conversation was the importance of teaching our kids that they’re not just creative, but that they’re creators.

Shelli and Fiona explained that it’s about embracing the identity of being a creator and knowing you can create anything. This powerful mindset can help our kids face challenges with confidence and resilience.

Shelli and Fiona also talked about the importance of finding a balance between consuming and creating. They encouraged parents to teach their kids to create more than they consume, so they’re active participants in the world rather than just passively taking things in.

My chat with Shelli Baltman and Fiona Stevenson was seriously inspiring and full of great insights. I’m so thankful for their friendship and the amazing work they do to help unlock people’s creative potential, both young and old. Definitely check out their book, “The Greatest Helmet of All Time,” and keep an eye out for more from these two fantastic women!


Links For This Episode: 

Link to Buy Book:



NEW: What Culture are You Creating In Your Family?

Episode Minute By Minute:

  • 0:44 What’s inside today’s show
  • 1:32 Get to know Shelli Baltman and Fiona Stevenson
  • 3:12 How limiting stories can start to take away our creativity 
  • 3:58 Some of the ideas behind the book, “The Greatest Helmet of All Time”
  • 6:56 Teaching our kids they can be creators and contributors 
  • 13:25 Why it’s so important to teach kids that they can be innovative and solve problems
  • 16:38 How to find this life-changing book
  • 17:37 Why Chris endorses The Idea Suite
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