
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, they say…

But is it really? LOL

Welcome back to the Family Brand Podcast, Chris and Melissa here for another honest conversation about what’s going on in the Smith world. If you’re like us, you love this time of year and all the beautiful memories we get to make with our kids of all ages. 

However, as the years have gone by it feels like our schedule is packed and our family is spread thin across the board. It can be hard to navigate the Holiday season with family arrangements, expectations with traditions, checking off the gift list, and everything in between. 

In other words, the to-do list is long but the hours are short. It feels more overwhelming than “the true Christmas Spirit.” Instead of just putting our heads down and finishing out the calendar year in the same routine, we decided to sit down and do a “family audit” so we can have a more peaceful Christmas and Holiday atmosphere in our home. 

If that sounds good to you, hit play to hear more! During this conversation, we share how we plan to take back our schedule this season, how we plan to declutter our home before we bring more “stuff” via Christmas gifts, how we found out our kid’s favorite traditions, and how we are prioritizing activities’ accordingly and so much more! 

Every family and Holiday culture is unique so feel free to take the ideas discussed in the show and make them your own! However you celebrate, we hope you take action on this episode. Even if you can eliminate one stressful thing in your life over the next few weeks it will be worth it! And, your kids will thank you. 

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Give your kids the gift of a last name they are proud of! Start building your own Family Brand today:

More Of What’s Inside:

  • What’s the biggest challenge facing your family?
  • How we are outsourcing over 300 pieces of laundry every week
  • Why we think it’s important to have your kids do chores
  • How to take back your family’s time
  • Why have we been asking “What’s going on with our house?”
  • Updates on our new home
  • Why we have grown to love a minimalist lifestyle
  • Sometimes you just have to get rid of “stuff” in all areas  
  • And much more!

Links For This Episode: 



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Episode Minute By Minute:

  • 0:40 Is it the most wonderful day of the year?
  • 4:28 How minimalism can be freeing
  • 8:40 Why our laundry life is insane 
  • 11:18 Finding joy in your home 
  • 15:28 How to make the Holiday less stressful
  • 18:26 How to do a “family audit”


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