
“Nothing in the world could make human life happier than to greatly increase the number of strong families.” – David R. Mace

Hey Guys! Melissa here, have you ever experienced this? A day comes along where every person in your family needs something from you. You can’t shower, you can’t get dressed, you can’t even go to the bathroom by yourself…its that mixed feeling of overwhelm and yet isolating all at the same time. 

In today’s episode, we talk about something that I’ve been experimenting with lately, and that is creating an hour each week to be completely with my thoughts, no phone, no lists, no distractions. It’s an hour each week while our youngest is at preschool, I can be myself and just allow myself to be whatever I need to be. It sounds pretty basic but it’s been pretty revolutionary for me and I think it’s something that everyone, Chris, my kids, you, and your family can benefit from. 

Join us as we discuss how the idea of stillness came up and how a garden built specifically for meditation and wandering has started to change my view on myself and the world around me. Along with readings and mindfulness, I have begun a journey into understanding the importance of stillness and how it affects not just me but Chris and our kids as well. 

Chris and I have a conversation about the changes he’s seen in me, building time for stillness wherever you are, the difference between standing still and being still, and even how it started changing my personal definition of spirituality. We wanted to share this with you because feeding our bodies, and nurturing our children’s bodies is an obvious and expected thing, so what if we started feeding their spirits as well? 

Listen in to learn more about how you can find time for stillness and begin to grow and care for yourself and your family in all areas of your life. To find the resources we mentioned or connect with us check out the links below!

Chris and Melissa

Listen now!

More of What We Talk About:

  • The importance of finding stillness within a busy life
  • Finding a space that allows you to be still
  • How nature can bring appreciation for life
  • Having to retrain your brain to relax
  • Why you should let your thoughts wander
  • Realizing your full potential within the stillness
  • The difference between standing still and being still 
  • Building a time for stillness into your day
  • How taking time for stillness can improve your parenting
  • Finding a deeper spirituality through meditation
  • Feeding the spirits of our children 
  • And much more!




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Episode Minute By Minute:

  • 0:48 The unexpected result of moving to Hawaii
  • 3:06 You have to go slow to go fast
  • 4:36 When Melissa found her meditation garden
  • 6:02 Melissa’s first experience
  • 7:50 The importance of getting in nature 
  • 10:40 Why Chris loves Matthew 6:28 and nature
  • 12:55 Encouraging your kids to go outside
  • 14:27 The law of pure potentiality
  • 15:33 The unexpected power of stillness
  • 18:31 Melissa favorite quotes from the meditation garden
  • 22:24 Build this into your day
  • 23:10 Meditate with zero guilt 
  • 24:29 Melissa’s spiritual exploration 
  • 28:05 Create a culture of belonging

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