
As the new school year kicks off in America and around the world, it’s safe to say that most families’ schedules just got a lot busier. Between getting everyone’s school supplies, and new clothes, signing up for Fall sports and everything in-between, back-to-school season can feel like one big  “to-do list.”

With a family of 5 kids all in school now, we understand how crazy this time of year can be so we promise we aren’t trying to add more to your plate. However, there is one more thing we think every listener should make time to do before sending their kiddos back to school.

Welcome back to another episode of the Family Brand Podcast! Chris and Melissa here, and before we go on, we just wanted to take a minute to say THANK YOU!!! Recently, we have met some of our listeners face-to-face. It was such a humbling experience, we had to make time on this episode to say thank you to each and every one of you for showing up with us every week! If you are new here and want to learn more about us, head to:

Recently, we saw a post on Facebook that stopped us in our tracks. It was a short story about a girl named Lucy and it has sparked a powerful conversation in our house we want to invite you in on. The post was written by Lucy’s mom in an effort to help parents raise a generation with a high value for Kindness. 

We think that kindness is one of the most beneficial things you can equip your kids with for not just a new school year, but every day of their lives. Hit play to hear why we think this is so critical, how we are practically living this out in our own family, more about the post that started it all, how back to school is hard on everyone, and more! 

More Of What’s Inside:

  • We all want to leave a lasting impact
  • How to take the Family Brand Program
  • Things your kids worry about during back to school
  • Can you find a “Lucy” to help?
  • We all want to belong somewhere
  • Helping your kids understand they matter
  • And much more!



 Free course:

Episode Minute By Minute:

  • 0:42 Welcome! Thank you for listening
  • 2:48 One of the coolest Family Brand Stories
  • 5:52 The conversation you should have with your kids
  • 10:14 Don’t forget to think about others (even when you are busy)
  • 13:30 What do you want your kids to be?
  • 14:50 Closing thoughts and advice


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