
New Year, New Vision. If you want to have a great 2023, creating a clear vision is the #1 way to get the most out of your new year. Plus, it’s more fun and easier than you think! 

Welcome to the Family Brand Podcast! If you are new here, you may not know that we are big believers in vision boards. At one point in our lives, we would have been skeptical about the idea and have chalked it up to a “woo-woo” exercise and completely written it off. 

However, after years of seeing firsthand how Vision Boards can pay off and help you manifest your dreams and intentions…we are 100% convinced that every family should adopt this tradition! Creating them as a family can be a fun and meaningful activity for all ages.  

First, start by talking about a few goals. This can include personal goals, such as learning a new skill or starting a new hobby, as well as family goals, like saving for a vacation or improving your health. By having this conversation, you can get a better understanding of what each family member is hoping to accomplish and how you can support each other in reaching your goals.

This year we had the opportunity to look back on our vision boards from 2022 and everyone in the family was amazed at how many things from our boards came to life throughout the year. From words we embodied to awards we worked towards, to visiting the same locations we saw in a magazine. Watching our kids see their goals come to pass has been one of the most powerful things we have experienced as parents. 

By setting goals and visualizing your future together, you can create a roadmap for success and strengthen your connections with your loved ones. In this episode, we share how we created our Vision Boards for 2023, what words we picked for the year and why, how we helped our kids complete their boards, and how we plan to use them throughout the calendar year.

We will also cover what practical materials you’ll need to create them so that by the end of the show, you’ll be ready to start your own! So why wait? Gather your family and get started on your vision boards for 2023 today!

For more help and to get to most out of the experience, download our full activity pack:

Inside you’ll find out with main activities:

  • Reflection of the past year
  • Family Awards Ceremony
  • Vision Boards creation 

These three activities can help children understand the concept of time, the power of setting goals, encourage positive habits, reinforce their identity and uniqueness, plus so much more!

More Of What’s Inside:

  • What’s on our 2023 vision board
  • Why you should start with a word or a phrase for the year
  • How our family is disconnecting from devices more this year
  • The “simplify, expand and simplify” framework 
  • Why we had a great Christmas break as a family 
  • A few lessons we learned in 2022
  • The importance of having a vision board
  • A few goals that came to pass last year
  • Our “words” for 2023 and how we plan to live them out
  • The brain science behind a vision board
  • And much more!

Links For This Episode: 



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Episode Minute By Minute:

  • 0:43 Welcome back to the Family Brand Podcast!
  • 1:18 Let’s talk about vision boards!
  • 3:16 How we come up with our “word” for the year
  • 4:22 Crazy adventures that came true because our vision boards
  • 6:43 Advice for people who have never made a vision board
  • 8:47 Mellisa’s word for 2023
  • 12:40 Unpacking your “word” even further
  • 16:02 It’s the year to get off the sidelines 
  • 18:06 Why we love camping as a family 
  • 20:54 Chris’ word for 2023
  • 23:54 How to promote peace in our home


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