What Giving Birth Alone Taught Me About Loneliness

Hey Guys! Melissa here, recently I had a friend ask me the question “If you could tell any story what would you tell?” and I knew immediately what I wanted to talk about.
So, while my family is sleeping I thought I’d do a little solo episode. Today, I talk about a time when I was in every position to feel lonely, scared, and stressed and I was for a moment but that all turned around when I remembered a scripture that I still think of today.
You’ll hear the story of when I was pregnant with our youngest daughter, and being on my fifth pregnancy I was sure I knew when the baby was coming. Filled with this confidence I let Chris go on a work trip about two weeks before my due date and I’m sure you can guess where this is going. I want to say, there was a point where I was sure that I could not do it alone, and I know that is not a foreign feeling for most people. We all have had moments or times in our lives where we were scared of going it alone.
But I want you to know that you are not alone, the loneliness you feel can be taken and turned into empowerment and a peace that surpasses all understanding. For me, it was as simple as a scripture. For you, it may take more digging or it may be simple but all I have to say is that you are not alone and you can do this. I still think about that moment to this day, especially when I’m feeling lonely, but I believe that to overcome loneliness you must find it in God.
To connect with us or follow our journey check out the links below!
Melissa Smith
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More of What We Talk About:
- The birth of our youngest daughter
- Why I thought I knew what I was doing
- The moment I realized I was going into labor
- Dealing with the possibility of giving birth alone
- A moment when I realized that I was not alone
- How delivery came fast and furious
- Why we named her Indie
- Chris’ reaction to Indie’s birth
- Why you should reach out to others for help
- And much more!
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Episode Minute By Minute:
- 0:41 Welcome back! Here is what what to excited today
- 2:19 The story Melissa wants everyone to know
- 5:30 When Melissa went into labor
- 7:39 You can do all things
- 9:31 Melissa’s fastest birth ever
- 12:22 How Indy got her name
- 14:18 You are never alone
- 15:22 Reach out to someone
- 15:58 Do it with grace
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